Manuscript Back from Editing!

Well, there I was, thinking that I would get the manuscript back from editing, that it would be all plain-sailing and I would have my book available in time for Christmas.

I received my manuscript back from my editor a few days ago and it’s going to need some hefty work. So, end of January is now my planned release date; at least I will have something to focus on over the Christmas break.

Last night I watched a fascinating documentary about the life of JD Salinger and I reflected that I read ‘Catcher in the Rye’ while on tour in Afghanistan in 2007; the period of my life that reinvigorated my passion for writing. The description of Salinger’s fastidiousness with grammar and punctuation was mind-blowing and was like a bullet between the eyes for this writer who is embarking on a re-work!

Have a great week friends.


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